The Tintometer Lovibond® Model F manual tintometer is designed for applications requiring the examination of fats and fatty oils, bleached lac, liquid chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Operates by examining the colour of liquid and solid samples using either reflected or transmitted light. With comfortable viewing position and operation via the prismatic optical system with angled viewing tube, diffused tungsten-halogen light source for standardised illumination and external, low voltage power supply, giving cool running over prolonged periods of use. Incorporates Lovibond® glass filters with ranges: 0.1 to 70 red, 0.1 to 70 yellow, 0.1 to 40 blue, 0 to 3 neutral.
Supplied with a set of colour standard racks, sample chamber liner with a standard white reference, one each 1” (25mm) and 5¼” (133mm) path length rectangular fused glass cells, spare white reference, colour analysis book, two spare lamps and instructions. Overall 330 x 410 x 230mm W x D x H. Weight 8.3kg. A 110V or 220V single phase supply is required for the external power supply.