Product Code: RE290-40


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Bellingham and Stanley RFM900-T series, from Xylem, are high performance instruments providing fast, accurate and reliable measurements. Choice of Refractive index (R.I.), % sugar (Brix) or user-defined ranges and resolution.

  • Built in temperature regulation via peltier heating/cooling modules and precise, electronic control by “Intelligent Thermal Management”
  • Separate, multiple probe, temperature monitoring and compensation of the optical and detector systems
  • Conform to GLP, OIML, ASTM 05006, 1747, 2140, 1218, USP/EP/BP and meet security and technical requirements of U.S. FDA Regulation 21 CFR Part 11
  • Highly stable optical system
  • RFID (radio frequency i.d.) tag swipe system to identify specific users, enable measurement or reconfigure settings
  • 700 result memory with tabular readout
  • Powerful microprocessor controller with user friendly interface, touchscreen colour graphics display and alphanumeric key setting
  • Low-profile sample dish and non-contact presser enable easy cleaning
  • Artificial sapphire prism with Kalrez seal set in 316 stainless steel and PEEK dish
  • Parallel printer and dual RS232 interface for connection to the users’ PC or another instrument
  • Modern design
  • Software features include: Multiple product configuration presets, single or continuous read modes, reading log, reading tolerance limits, result verification, calibration log, calibration check and report, PIN password control, batch/operator identity, data export to PC, on-line help

Model RFM960 features:

 % Sugar (°Brix)
 User defined
 1.30 to 1.70
 0 to 100
 User defined (available from the Bellingham and Stanley library of existing
 scales (at extra charge) or created by the user from experimental data
 % Sugar (°Brix)
 0.0001 (±0.0001)
 0.1 (±0.1)
 Other scales
 100 available from pre-programmed standard scales: Zeiss,
 Oechsle, Butyro, Fructose, or user-defined   
 Automatic temperature
 Sugar (˚Brix), 
 User-defined units
 Reference temperature 
 5 to 80˚C
 Simple coefficient (units/˚C) or polynomial function
 Temperature measuring range 
 Ambient -10 to +80 (peltier-controlled),
 accuracy ±0.03
 Temperature stability
 1 x Parallel, 2 x serial RS232
 Reading update
 4 to 10 seconds (typical) - adjustable for accuracy
 Artificial sapphire
 Sample illumination
 LED and filter at 589nm
 Overall W x D x H  
 187 x 337 x 211

Supplied with instructions and power adapter for 100-240V 50/60Hz single phase supplies.